Post Tensioned Anchors - Design

Design and installation practices provide high reliability in PTA systems. Features of these practices include:
  1. Design
    • High factors-of-safety in required bond length.
    • Site investigations are carried out in order to characterize a site; particularly the bond zone.
    • Additionally, the ground-water at the site must be analyzed to determine its chemical properties. The analytical results reveal the potential corrosive power of the groundwater so that mitigation steps may be taken.
  2. Manufacturing
    Factory mill certifications are required to ensure wire strengths are achieved
  1. Installation
    • Pilot holes are drilled before boring the entire cavity for the PTA tendon. The alignment and location are confirmed through this test, and then the final holes are drilled.
    • Material strengths are tested on site to ensure the materials meet design requirements (e.g. the grout). Also, the strands are tensioned to 80% of the guaranteed ultimate tensile strength (GUTS).
  2. Testing
    • The test equipment is calibrated prior to use.
    • Lift-off tests are performed to confirm the tension in the tendons and the strength of the tendons themselves.