Human environment |
Natural and physical environment and the relationship of people with that environment including physical, biological, cultural, social, and economic factors in a given area. |
Humus |
Decayed organic matter. A dark fluffy swamp soil composed chiefly of decayed vegetation. See peat. |
Hydraucone |
A draft tube in which the emerging water impinges on a plate. |
Hydraulic fill |
Fill material that is transported and deposited using water. |
Hydraulic fill dam |
An embankment dam constructed of materials, often dredged, which are conveyed and/or placed by suspension in flowing water. |
Hydraulic fill structure |
A dam or impoundment made of hydraulic fill. |
Hydraulic gradient |
The slope of the surface of open or underground water. |
Hydraulic Height |
Height to which the water rises behind the dam, and is the difference between the lowest point in the original streambed at the axis or the centerline crest of the dam and the maximum controllable water surface. See structural height. |
Hydraulics |
Having to do with the mechanical properties of water in motion and the application of these properties in engineering |
Hydric |
Characterized by, or thriving in, an abundance of moisture. |
Hydroelectric plant |
Electric powerplant using falling water as its motive force. |
Hydroelectric power |
Electrical energy produced by flowing water. |
Hydrogeochemistry |
Chemistry of ground and surface water. |
Hydrograph |
A graph showing for a given point on a stream, river, or conduit, the discharge, stage, velocity, available power, or other property of water with respect to time. |
Hydrography |
Scientific study of physical aspects of all waters on the Earth's surface |
Hydrologic cycle |
Cycle of water movement from atmosphere to Earth by precipitation and its return to the atmosphere by interception, evaporation, runoff, infiltration, percolation, storage, and transpiration. |
Hydrology |
Scientific study of water in nature: its properties, distribution, and behavior. The science that treats the occurrence, circulation properties, and distribution of the waters of the earth and their reaction to the environment. |
Hydrometeorological Report |
A series of hydrometeorological reports published by the National Weather Service addressing meteorological issues related mainly to developing estimates of probable maximum precipitation used in the determination of the probable maximum flood for design of water control structures. |
Hydrometer |
A device for measuring the specific gravity of fluids. |
Hydrostatic |
Relating to pressure or equilibrium of fluids. |
Hyperconcentrated flow |
Moving mixture of sediment and water between 40 and 80 percent water by volume. |
Hypolimnetic |
Pertaining to the lower, colder portion of a lake or reservoir which is separated from the upper, warmer portion (epilimnion) by the thermocline. |
Hypolimnion |
The lower layer of a lake or reservoir with essentially uniform colder temperatures. See stratification. |